For young real estate agents looking to generate business and increase their income, marketing is everything. There is no shortage of marketing strategies for real estate agents, each customizable to fit the agent’s needs and the territory in which they operate.
You also don’t need a multi-thousand-dollar budget to run a great marketing campaign. A real estate agent can run an effective campaign on a limited budget, as long as you use the best techniques.
Here are eleven inexpensive marketing ideas for real estate agents:
Idea #1: Business Cards
This inexpensive marketing idea is a dull suggestion to start, but there’s a reason why business cards are still used. They’re easy to hand out, easy to carry, and can get your name around to buyers, sellers, and interested parties.
Order lots of business cards to carry on your person and ask a few local businesses if you can display your business cards out front by the cash. You never know who might pick one up.
Idea #2: Create Your Website
A website is like a business card that’s available 24/7. Even if it’s just a few pages, a website legitimizes you in front of potential clients.
This is your HQ around which all your digital marketing work will be based. It also immediately bumps you over the real estate agents with no website.
Idea #3: Email Subscriber List
Start accumulating emails for an email marketing campaign. It costs nothing and gives you a direct route to clients and potential leads.
An email sent out on schedule seasonally is not time-consuming and can help give you exposure for free. It only takes time to write your email marketing message. You can use CRM for real estate agents to manage this email marketing campaign.
Idea #4: Social Media Pages
Social media is another free way to advertise your real estate services. Create accounts on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and any platforms you feel you can pick up leads.
As a website, this is another way to legitimize your business and allows you to get your brand in front of people who wouldn’t otherwise see it.
Idea #5: Social Media
Social media interactions only cost time. That’s all. You never know what connections you may make. Comment on others’ posts that are relevant to real estate. Respond to comments and questions on your page. Be helpful.
Reddit is also a great site to post tips and interact with others in your community. Any local newspapers, online publications, and the like can also be used to write guest columns. There is so much opportunity online to get your name out there, associated with local real estate. Take advantage.
Idea #6: High-Quality Branded Images
So much of online marketing is images rather than text. Post high-quality HD images with your brand logo included on them. These make you stand out. They create brand awareness.
Even an experienced photographer’s smartphone can capture HD images for real estate marketing to help you find new clients and sell your existing properties.
Idea #7: Be Funny
Everyone knows what a real estate agent does. You don’t need to explain how it works, the benefits of a real estate agent, or anything like that in your marketing. You need to get noticed.
You also need to make sure your contact information is included. Make people remember you, and don’t be afraid to have out-of-the-box, fun, humorous images and messages.
Idea #8: Virtual Tours for Properties
A virtual tour can be done on your smartphone with your video camera. It’s your basic walk-through you’d normally do with a viewing, except it’s a video that you can post online and share with relevant parties.
Some real estate agents go all out with a drone, but that’s okay if you don’t have a budget to buy one. Holding your smartphone and carefully navigating through the property can work just as well.
Idea #9: SEO Blog
An SEO blog is perfect for anyone with a passion for writing. A new blog once a month or more regularly is a great way to keep your website active and supplies you with content you can position across social media channels, including in email messages and more.
Blogs help get you on other search engines with free advertising, potentially when someone in your territory searches for a real estate agent.
Idea #10: Write About Your Community
People search Google every day for key information on their neighbourhoods. Think about the information people looking to buy or sell are looking for. Comparable property values. Neighbourhood history. Amenities. Proximity to schools. Proximity to restaurants.
Think of the target market your neighbourhood is likely to serve and write some blogs or create some web pages based around capturing these clicks.
Idea #11: Launch a Contest
A contest is excellent marketing for real estate agents. Spread it across social media, using hashtags or follows as a way to enter. This way, you can capture likes, peak your numbers, and increase your overall clicks.
Here are a few contest or giveaway ideas you may be able to maximize to increase your awareness and pick up some leads:
- Tickets to a sporting event.
- Tickets to a concert.
- A free home inspection.
- A free oil change.
- A restaurant gift card.
- A prepaid credit card.